
 Energy Materials lab

Next-generation Energy Materials (NEM) Lab 

NEM's research interest covers the design, synthesis, and characterization of next-generation energy materials, particularly in the field of rechargeable batteries. 

Specifically, we investigate the novel electrode/electrolyte materials for Na-Ion Battery / Li-Metal Battery / Li-Ion Battery / All Solid-State Battery / Li-S Battery. In addition, we also focus on the fundamental understanding of electrochemical energy storage mechanism via combined study of experiments and first-principles calculations.

Open position

We are looking for Post. Doc & Master and Ph.D students to join us!

Ph.D & Master student: Department of Energy Engineering


Ph.D & Master student: Department of Battery Engineering 


Research Interest in NEM

Next generation Energy Materials lab

Prof. Jang-Yeon Hwang's Group

No. 1015 Fusion Technology Center (FTC)
222, Wangsimni-ro, Hanyang University
04763, Seoul, Republic of Korea  
